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Das LibCenter utility für Overland Loader

Die Libraries von "Overland Data" gibt es als OEM Versionen von Compaq, DEC, Siemens und anderen und alle haben die gleiche Frage : How do I use Library Center to flash (update) my tape library?

Dafür gibt es das LibCenter utility for the Loaders and LibraryXpress libraries.

Das sagt der Hersteller über das Tool : Overlands LibCenter can be used to configure the libraries and loaders, take diagnostic traces of the robotics controller and update the firmware in the libraries.

und hier können Sie die Version 3.6 herunter laden:


Solution: Library Center is a Windows utility that you can use to manage and maintain your Overland Storage libraries. A serial cable is required to connect between an available COM port (COM1 - COM4) on the PC and the serial connector on the library. The connector on the library is variously called the flash connector, trace port, and diagnostic connector in the user and service manuals. The serial cable needed is a 9-pin male-female cable with no twists (EGA monitor cable).

  • 1. Connect the DB9 male/DB9 female (no twist) serial cable from an available COM port on the host system to the female DB9 serial-port connector on the tape library.
  • 2. Install LibCenter in Windows, and run the LibCenter.exe program.
  • 3. When the main LibCenter screen appears, choose CONNECT, and select the appropriate COM port and baud rate (38400).
  • 4. Connect to the library as described in Section II, Starting the LibCenter Application.
  • 5. Choose Download. The Downloading Data to Library dialog box appears. ( Even though "Download" sounds contrary to what download usually means, it is the correct choice.)
  • 6. Make following selections from the Download menu: Type: Choose Flash Image to download firmware. Select: Choose the name and location (working folder) of the firmware image file to download. Use the file LxsLibAll_nnnn.bin for DLT Power Loader Library models LXS/LXL/LXM.
  • 7. To initiate the Download operation, choose OK.
  • 8. To enable the firmware download at the library, follow the instructions in the dialog box that appears.
  • 9. When the library attempts to sync with the host, choose YES. The firmware download should proceed. After the process is successfully completed, the library is automatically restarted.


Wir konnten mit dem Overland-Tool bisher nichts Gescheites anfangen. Ein Handbuch oder eine Beschreibung gibt es auch nicht. Schade.


Dafür waren die Support Mitabeiter in England sehr freundlich.

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