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Hier eine Erläuterung zu den Firmware Bezeichnungen, die von den einzelnen OEM Herstellern verwendet werden. (nicht zu verwechseln mit der Lieferanten ID, der vendor-id.)



This application note is to be used only as a guideline for the titled subject. The user assumes all responsibility for understanding the interrelationships of this information with other affected software or system products.


Die meisten "Stand alone drives" haben eine OEM Software, die in den LOadern und Libs verbauten Drives haben meist OML oder OMX.


NOTE: The information in this document pertains to DLT™2000, DLT™2000XT, DLT™4000 or DLT™7000 tape drives.


This application note is a brief description of the various personalities of the DLT OEM/OML firmware and their intended applications. The firmware personality and the sub-personality are returned in vendor unique inquiry bytes 41 and 42 on SCSI inquiry commands. The OEM firmware personality is represented by a value of 04h. The OML firmware personality is represented by a value of 0Fh and the OMX firmware personality is represented by a value of 12h.


In general for OEM choices, OEM-1 is the recommended personality for DLT tape drives. Refer to the description below for more information.

Personality Type Sub-Personality Description
OEM 1 This personality is an OEM-based ANSI SCSI-2 variation. It is the standard personality shipped with the drive. This code is used for DLT tape unit installations on most platforms.
OEM 2 This personality is an OEM-based ANSI SCSI-1 variation and is used only for those applications that require SCSI-1 features. Only available for DLT2000, DLT2000XT, and DLT4000.
OEM 3 This personality is an emulation of the IBM 7208, Model 2 and is used only for DLT tape unit installation on an AS/400. This personality is not available for DLT7000. Only available for DLT2000, DLT2000XT, and DLT4000.
OEM 8 This personality is the standard SCSI-2 implementation with one-way communication protocol over RS422 port. Only by the library OEM customers use this code. The SCSI implementation is identical to OEM-1.
OEM 9 This personality allows DLT emulation of SCSI-2, 8mm tape drive (EXB-8505) when attached to HP9000/800 systems. HP's fbackup and frecover are not supported with this code. Although provided for backward compatibility, OEM-1 is recommended over this code. Only available for DLT2000, DLT2000XT, and DLT4000.
OEM 10 This personality allows DLT emulation of HP 7980S when attached to HP9000/800 systems. Earlier code revisions emulate HP35450A. Although provided for backward compatibility, OEM-1 is recommended over this code. Only available for DLT2000, DLT2000XT, and DLT4000.
OEM 11 This personality allows DLT emulation of SCSI-1, 8mm tape drive (EXB-8200). This code is designed for those platforms whose DLT device drivers are not available or the system kernel cannot be reconfigured to recognize DLT devices.
OML 1 This personality is the standard SCSI-2 implementation with two-way communication protocol over RS422 port. Only by the library OEM customers use this code. The SCSI implementation is identical to OEM-1.
OML 3 This personality is identical to OML-1 except that it has NoRdyUAonUnld set to TRUE.
OMX 1 This personality is identical to OML-1 except for the addition of a 3 second unload delay.
OMX 2 This personality provides support for DLTstorTM 114 Loaders.
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